
Below are some projects that I have developed over the last 3 years during my studies at university.

Graphical Programing

A project that shows an understanding of OpenGL and its various liraries, used here to create a graphical representation of a spider, complete with texture and animations controlled by the keyboard.

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Disertation project

Up to date documents tracking the progress of my disertation project, currently entailing the initial propoosal, and the interim report, as shown below. CW1 – Proposal CW2 – Interim

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Object Oriented Programing

Documented development of a proposed system from concept, to design and finally implementation: Functions View shows. Select a show. Show seats. Hold seat. Buy tickets. Non-Functions Scalability – The system needs to be able to be built upon and scaled up with further development. Usability – The system needs to be easy for a customer…

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Advanced Programing

Implementation of basic object identification and tracking for use in a game engine Source code: Console output: Client / Server networking connection implementation Source code: Console output: Note: Both Client and Server are running from seperate visual studio projects here.

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Advanced AI for Games

Behaviour Trees and how they compare to other methods There is a myriad of choices when it comes to designing artificial intelligence systems for use in games, certainly more than is discussed in this report. Nevertheless, this report aims to shed light on a few of them. Examining the differences between three in particular: The…

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